Universal Tools for Converting, Decoding ...
Available now:
Convert text to/from ASCII in decimal, binary, hex, octal, base32, base64 ... in all directions. Download data as binary file.
ROT functions: ROT13, ROT18, ROT47 (all with bruteforce like Caesar), ROT5 and Atbash
Multi-ROT (light):
ROT functions: ROT5, ROT13, ROT18, ROT47, Atbash and ROT13 Ceasar
Multi-ROT (az09):
Rotates using alphabets [a-z] and [0-9] as well as [a-z,0-9] with bruteforce and Atbash (used for some Ingress passcodes)
Convert letters to numbers (A=1, B=2 ... Z=26 etc., A=2 .. Z=101 (primes), A..M=0, N..Z=1, telephone keyboard), calculate sum of numbers and digits and digit sums.
Convert numbers to letters (1=A, 2=B ... 26=Z etc.)
Number Converter:
Convert numbers of any length: Base10 (decimal), Base2 (binary), Base8 (octal), Base16 (hex); Base58 and Base62 (in 2 variants)
Base Converter:
Converts an integer from/to all bases 2..36
Analyse Text:
Count occurences of characters in text
Letter frequencies:
Analyze letter frequencies, Bigrams, Trigrams etc.
Rearrange string by skipping x characters
Reformat text to rectangles (using prime factors or all variants)
Exchange rows and columns
Decodes Morse with "autodetect" (./- or 0/1 can be used as input), also decodes the inverted and/or reversed inputs.
Railfence decoding with bruteforce - up to all possible rails and offsets.
Vigenere cipher:
Decrypt and encrypt text
String Wizard:
Manipulate Strings: uppercase, lowercase, remove whitespace, alpha, non-alpha, numbers ...
Bitstream Analyser:
Splits bitstreams in different ways and interprets it as ASCII, displays it in Hex.
SearchWords: Dictionary search with wildcards.
Find tokens: Find defined tokens in text.
Coming soon:
Auto-Crack Vigenere cypher (using Kasiski-Analysis)
Auto-Crack Substitution cypher (using Friedman-Test)
Skytale encryption
Other tools: